The establishment of the Worldwide Consumers’ Association, is to awaken consumers’ right and awareness, enhancing consumers’ self-protection capability, being consumers’ reference guidelines, handling complaints, reducing or limiting consumers’ losses from unfair treatment, taking actions on malfeasance companies etc.
The WCA plays a role of consumers’ disputes arbitration, and assists local governments in promoting legal constitution to protect the rights and interests of consumers'.
For this reason, we are always cautious and conscientious, and we had made remarkable achievements in the past in several countries. However, we should better recognize that currently the inferior and counterfeited products are still overflown in the markets.
With the rapid development of world’s economy and the improvement of people’s living standards, consumers’ experiences and knowledge of self-protection is gradually increase, and consumers’ are demanding a greater consumers’ protection environment. Therefore, Worldwide Consumers’ Association plays a more pivot role in the world.
We built organization and gained experience in several countries, such as Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, India, China, the US, Germany and Japan, which have well-developed economy and sound legal systems, and continually improving and promoting a firm consumers' constitution and regulations, and actively built a harmonious, strong protective international consumers’ organization.
We look forward to your participation, and together make this world a better place in which to live.
Our vision is to be the voice of worldwide consumers on secure and sustainable goods and services.
Our mission is to create an international fair trade environment, protect consumer rights and to unite worldwide consumers.
- Aims to protect the members and maintain a good quality of consumers' practice in worldwide.
- Caring out consumers' education programmes to continuously maintain the stability and consistency in the world marketplace.
- The Bureau encourages consumers' to be actively involved in using their rights and power to attain justice in the marketplace.
- The Bureau also encourages consumers' to be more proactive in protecting themselves from irresponsible entrepreneurs and dealers.
- To assists national consumers' in knowing and understanding their rights, eg.,
- the rights to attain basic needs and necessities;
- the rights to attain safety and protection;
- the rights to receive information;
- the rights to choose;
- the rights to express;
- the rights to receive refunds;
- the rights to obtain free consumer education;
- the rights to live in a healthy and safe environment.
- Assist and actively promote national consumers’ organizations and government efforts to do a good job protecting the interests of consumers in the world.
- The promotion of consumers’ services by comparing the test of international cooperation.
- To promote consumers’ information, consumers’ education, and various other aspects of the protection of consumers’ international cooperation.
- Collect, exchange of national consumers' protection regulations and practices.
- To discuss issues related to the interests of consumers’ solutions to provide a forum for groups of countries.
- The publication of information on consumers’ information.
- Maintain effective liaison with the United Nation agencies and other international organizations, in the role play to represent consumers’ interests in the international context, by United Nations agencies and other practical way of developing countries on the development of consumers’ education and protection plans, giving all practical assistance and encouragement.
- Protect the safety, the responsibility of Internet sales.
- Internet sales platform must bear all the problems of Internet sales transactions.
- User rights on the internet business, protecting the safety and health damage caused by false advertising to consumers'.
- To enforce the law and practice of the need for Internet transactions.
- Set up a small committee or group responsible for monitoring the goods of education, development, law, medicine, and other activities.
- Asia-Pacific Advisory Commission established to provide specialized information sources, collect and disseminate information on the important of consumers’ legislation, technology and education.
- Organizing a committee for the Asia Pacific region to develop economic and social development plan, incomplete label, dangerous drugs, poisons pests and monitoring issues such as baby food to the third world.
- To give world recognize awards and appreciation in the forms of certificates or medals to any company or manufacturer that conducts and provides a good service to the consumers'.
We will provide below the services:
The first priority of World Consumers' Association (WCA) is to accelerate world consumer awareness towards their rights. To accomplish this task following efforts are made:
- To publish brochures, journals and monographs.
- To arrange conferences, seminars and workshops.
- To educate consumers to help themselves.
- To provide special education to women about consumerism.
- To encourage to follow desirable consumption standards.
Whenever a consumer fails to raise his voice of protest regarding his complaints, Worldwide Consumers’ Association (WCA) come to his rescue and file a case in the consumer’s court by each country. By rendering this service to the consumers, the consumers get a feeling that they are not alone in their struggle. They also run voluntary complaint centre for the guidance of consumers.
Worldwide Consumers’ Association (WCA) plays a significant role in eliminating the evils of adulteration, hoarding, black- marketing, and under-weight selling. Whenever there is an unnecessary rise in the prices of certain things, we raise a voice of protest against it.
Worldwide Consumers’ Association (WCA) prepares films related to adulteration in food products, ill effects of medicines and Acts related to consumer protection. Many a times exhibitions are arranged to bring awareness among the consumers against spurious and adulterated products.
Worldwide Consumers’ Association (WCA) will collect samples of different products from time to time and test them. After that the results of the tests are declared to public in our “World Consumers Guide” magazine. In this way and provide prior information to consumers about the authenticity of product and protect them. Apart from this, we also work in conducting investigation/ research on consumer’s problems worldwide.
Worldwide Consumers’ Association (WCA) tells the educational institutions the way to prepare courses of study keeping in view the interests of the consumers. They stress the fact that a special article on consumers interest should always be added to the courses on general study.
Worldwide Consumers’ Association (WCA) wants to cover all the countries of the world so that consumers of all the country are benefited by our services. This effort is to form a federation at the world level and then through the medium of the federation reach the world.
Worldwide Consumers’ Association (WCA) by informing the each government of the world agencies about adulteration, artificial scarcity, inferior quality products and other such evils help the government. This in turn helps the government to conduct proceedings in time.
Worldwide Consumers’ Association (WCA) will educate and conduct investigation around the world on safety internet transaction and e-scams prevention. These will also in-corporation with Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to strengthen the network security in order to reduce probability occurrence of cybercrime.